Hold my hands you’ll see its true
Words of wisdom, I don’t fake
Take a chance, you’re not too late
Read and learn, see what you earn
It’s hard, but real life you aren’t so rude
Turn the page, you just moved ahead
A beautiful day, so much to say
Hold it tight, don’t let it go
Cast a spell, abracadabra again
Blink your eyes, not once but twice
Then you’ll see what you rejoice
Live your life with harmony
Give yourself this journey
Fly away to the top
Smile and say: I just made it to a start!
© Rashmi Kayala. All Rights Reserved.
A few notes on the term Conscience. Rushu, u were being poetic and optimistic, thought i would be scientific and melancholy!
Conscience defined by Oxford English Dictionary is "a person's moral sense of right and wrong,". Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary steps into the more descriptive: "the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good." (lot of web space for a 10 lettered term if you ask me)
Moving on to the medical dictionary defines it as "the cognitive and affective processes which constitute an internalised moral governor over an individual's moral conduct". It is also "a faculty, power, or principle enjoining good acts" and a part of the superego that spews forth commands and admonitions to the ego."
Conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking, be it 'God' or an unknown entity. Or Conscience could be the fear of the unknown that you will repay for your actions in this or the nether world. (rem childhood, if you do/dont do this, the devil will gobble you)
On the origin of the word, from Latin conscientia `consciousness,' from conscire `to be conscious,' literally `to know thoroughly,' from scire-to know,' ultimately `to discern,' from an Indo-European word meaning `to cut.'"
There invariably will be mixed signals in us brought about by "a conscience with a thousand several tongues, and every tongue brings in a several tale!" (so said Shakespeare). Conscience is a just but weak judge, and that its weakness leaves it powerless to execute its judgment.
`Conscience money' is what is paid anonymously to wash one's guilt and pacify the conscience; assuming that the victim is restored what was wrongfully snatched from him in the first place (strange isnt it, u first snatch from someone and then restore it back) or simply drop a big wad of notes into the temple hundi.
In all conscience, or in good conscience, is about being fair and reasonable. However, what's `on your conscience' is what you're anxious or guilty about, making you conscience-stricken or conscience-smitten.
`The softest pillow is a clear conscience,'borrowing from a proverb.
Steven Wright agrees for he states that "a clear conscience is a sign of bad memory". So would Hamlet, saying, "Conscience does make cowards of us all."
To wrap, if you're wondering where the voice is in times of dire needs, Erich Fromm would rue that "it is paradoxical, and tragic, that a man's conscience is weakest when he needs it most".
You see what your eyes want to see. Remember to make a difference!Give yourself a chance to be remembered. :-)
Your work is wonderful, inspirational and lively. I am glad that I checked your work.
I hope you will be discovered and receive the recognition you deserve.
hey Rashu akka,
very nice poem , really touched my heart, believe me.
love the painting... can i order one?
Rasha your words are special as your gifted talent in the art of painting! I see the bearded one had the need to try to teach you?
I am not amused by them trying to correct your thoughts, no one has the right to mold your thoughts into theirs! Your talent bleeds upon the pages in which you print or paint!
You have been blessed,
This is a reply to the anonymous one :-) Thanks for the interest you showed towards my painting? Can I have your email address? Or maybe you can email me?
Great day!
Hold my hands you’ll see its true
Words of wisdom, I refuse to fake
You can delete my comment if I am over zealous.
No pun intended.
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